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Valposchiavo Plus

Valposchiavo Plus with a stay of minimum 2 nights

Would you like to do something different every day? Our Valposchiavo Plus makes it real! 

With a stay of minimum 2 nights in a partner hotel you can get the Valposchiavo Plus and benefit from lots of advantages!

Free services - Transport

Rhaetian Railway:
free ride on regional trains (2nd class) between Ospizio Bernina and Tirano (on the Bernina Express not valid)

free ride on the local network between Ospizio Bernina and Campocologno (except Val di Campo) on the Publicar and on the Night Bus

all cruises on 

Not valid for the arrival and the return journey

Free services - Culture & Delight

Casa Besta: Bacchus, tobacco and smuggling in the historical Palazzo in Brusio

Casa Console: Important paintings collection of the 19th century (Spitzweg, Voltz, Segantini and more)

Museo Poschiavino & Casa Tomé: Amazing evidence of the contrasting aristocratic and rural architecture and customs. Indian and Etruscan art collection

Manufacturing complex Aino: The pre-industrial mill contains a working smithy, a gristmill and a sawmill, all powered by the same water

Free services - Sport & Natur

Glacier garden Cavaglia: The Giants’ pots are a fascinating natural phenomenon. Guided tour from Cavaglia station

Camera Obscura: A simple hole in the casing of a dark room in the silo tower on the Bernina Pass creates an image of the outside world on the inside wall. The viewing angle extends to 180°. The original form of the camera obscura works without a lens.

Indoor swimming pool Poschiavo: 2 pools for swimmers and children. Opening times

Minigolf Le Prese: 18 hole minigolf

Tennis Club Valposchiavo: Clay court, reservation T +41 78 600 76 65‬

Outdoor artificial ice rink Le Prese: Ice-skating and hockey, incl. Skate Rental

Birraria Poschiavina: guided tour and beer tasting in the small brewery in Poschiavo


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Keep in touch with Valposchiavo!

Valposchiavo Turismo

Vial da la Stazion
CH-7742 Poschiavo

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+41 81 839 00 60

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