No matter whether you have questions about the latest topics, or you are looking for pictures, background information or ideas for your stories. We would be glad to support you with your research and put you in touch with the right people. Furthermore, we can help you create a tailor-made travel program.
We are looking forward to your visit.
Please contact us at:
Kaspar Howald, Director
Valposchiavo Turismo
7742 Poschiavo
T +41 81 839 00 60
Photos and pictures
In our photo database there are pictures in high resolution available. Should you need specific pictures, please contact us.
Terms of use
Photos and pictures of Ente Turistico Valposchiavo may be used if in association with Valposchiavo. Permission is required for any other use. Ente Turistico Valposchiavo holds the copyright and the right of use.
Valposchiavo Turismo
7742 Poschiavo
T +41 81 839 00 60